
ISA’s instructions are declared specifying it’s arguments and machine code format. The syntax is:

inst <name>[<size>](<arglist>) {


bitfield Reg[4]

bitfield Opcode[8] {

register r0[32] = Reg{0}
register r1[32] = Reg{1}
register r15[32] = Reg{15}

inst mov[16](arg1: register[32], arg2: register[32]) {
    opcode = Opcode {
        imm = 0b0,
        op = 0x1a,
    reg1 = Reg{arg1},
    reg2 = Reg{arg2},

This specify an instruction named mov, 16 bits size, that expects two 32 bit registers as arguments. On the assembly perspective, this instruction looks like:

mov <reg32>, <reg32>

The machine code format is specified on the body of the instruction, where it’s uses a sequence of one Opcode bitfield and two Reg bitfields. Having the format like:

15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
|  |                  |   |         | |         |
|  |                  |   |         | |         |
|  +--- op == 0x1a ---+   |         | reg2 == arg2
+-- imm == 0              reg1 == arg1


Assembly:         mov r2, r10
Hex machine code: 1a 2a
Bin machine code: 00011010 00101010